Wendy Jaroslawski
2018-12-07 09:09:03 UTC

We wish to notify you that You email address was automatically generated and selected during APOLLO 11. ASTRONAUTS 48TH ANNIVERSARY: Space Gala salutes the future HELD JULY 15TH 2017,

You EMAIL have won $1,000,000.00 dollars in the ongoing ASTRONAUTS readings world-wide by phone, Skype, email, MP3 promo hold in United State with a winning Reference number NASA/AS/407/PROMO/2017

You have therefore been approved to claim a Star Prize of $1,000,000,00 dollars Five hundred thousand United State Dollars in cash credited to Reference No: NASA/AS/407/PROMO/2017. The award money is payable through Certified bank draft only from any of our paying banks.

To claim your winning prize,quote your details and Reference number as stated below for payment processing / Immediate Release of your fund.

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7. Reference No:
8. Your ID, either copies of your international passport or national ID card that bear your names on it.

Congratulations'' once again from all our Staff and thank you for being part of our Promotions Program

Mrs.Wendy Jaroslawski
(Coordinator/ Online Publicity).
Copyright?2017 ASTRONAUTS readings world-wide Network Online Program.

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